
In the past, pets used to hunt smaller prey themselves or received leftover food, but today there is usually only ready-to-eat food available. Often, however, there is hardly any natural food left in this industrially produced ready-made food, as it often has to be treated chemically or thermally to preserve it. This preservation of animal feed, however, prevents the presence of natural biology, which would be particularly valuable for the animal.

KE-pet is a liquid supplementary feed, which supplies the pet with this important biology again and thus returns it to the pet via the feed.


Application and dosage:

KE-pet can be easily mixed into wet feed. For dry food, KE-pet can be mixed with yoghurt or cream cheese as an alternative, or simply sprayed over the food pure. KE-pet is also suitable for pregnant animals and young animals.

Basic dosage:

Mix daily about 1 teaspoon (=5 ml) per 5 kg body weight into the feed.
As some pets may initially react negatively to KE-pet, a gradual acclimatisation over the first 5 to 10 days with a lower dosage is recommended. It is also possible to give it by mouth injection.


For a better climate in cages, bird cages or dovecotes:
Prepare a 10% solution of KE-pet with water (e.g. 100 ml per 1 litre of water) and spray over the whole surface.


In bird keeping:
Put 2-3 drops of KE-pet over the feed. (Approximately 10ml per kg feedstuff)

Shelf life: unopened at least 2 years from production. Once opened, use within 3 months.

Storage conditions: Store product in a cool place and protect from sunlight or frost.


Skin and coat care:
With regular external use of KE-pet you support the natural protective layer of the skin. The coat also becomes shinier and easier to comb with each application.


Recommended use:
Mix about 1 tablespoon with 100 ml warm water and spray your pet with this solution after the usual coat care. Alternatively, the animal can also be rubbed with a soaked cloth.
It is best to stroke your pet with wet hands first and then spray KE-pet on it. KE-pet can also be used on sensitive skin areas, such as between the claws or in the area of the mammary gland. In case of skin problems, KE-pet can be sprayed on pure several times a day to bring about a quick change in the milieu. Please note that the liquid may burn on open areas.

Application for long fur:
For long fur it is recommended to massage KE-pet with the hands after application on the fur, down to the skin. With this massage you also stimulate the blood circulation and ensure that KE-Pet reaches the skin.